
Join Rob Counts & Remote Viewer John Vivanco on a Journey to the Unknown.

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Thursday Feb 22, 2024

In the abandoned town of Portlock, Alaska, something terrifying lurks: the Nantinaq, Alaska’s giant Bigfoot. In this Metaphysical episode, Rob and John investigate sightings of the strange “hairy man of Alaska,” discussing whether these claims are real, false, or if perhaps the answer lies somewhere in the middle. They also look into a place dubbed “Bigfoot Island,” and some extremely bizarre occurrences of 1500 lb. trees being turned upside down and driven 4 feet deep into the ground, with no evidence of human equipment involved in the process.There is no stranger account of an Alaskan mystery than that of the abandoned village of Port Chatham, Alaska (Portlock). Residents were reportedly chased out by a series of murders, which were blamed on a strange beast from the forest. Now, the reports are split between 1) debunkers claiming there’s no evidence of the creature and 2) hunters traveling to the area, spending thousands to locate what they call the Alaskan Nantinaq—a Bigfoot larger, stronger and more ferocious than any other on the planet. And why wouldn’t it be? Not just anything can survive in Alaska. Of stories and evidence of Bigfoot sightings around the world, some stand out more than others, especially when you get to the mysterious territories in the north and especially when you get to Alaska—a sparsely populated, volatile countryside in which legends have been passed down for generations verbally. Today, the mysteries have trickled down to Alaska’s current American inhabitants. Join investigative researcher Rob Counts and remote viewer John Vivanco for a show that’s out of this world.🛒  Visit the Metaphysical Shop

Tuesday Feb 13, 2024

Terrifying and bizarre cryptids live in Alaska, proving Inuit paranormal legends are real. That’s what remote viewing data and investigative research have found about the history of Alaska, which nobody seems willing to admit. Alaska’s paranormal activity ranges from sightings in the sky to the strangest creatures known, passed down verbally over generations in the Inuit culture. The sightings and stories of these strange beings span from Greenland on the far east coast all the way to Alaska. Even more curious than that, the description of these beings seems to match identical cryptid counterparts all across the world. How could a culture so far removed in the north be seeing things that people have names for in other parts of the world? Is there any evidence that these creatures of myth could be real?
Since 1970, more than 16,000 people have disappeared from Alaska, with some putting that number at 20,000. For such a sparsely populated state, this is a massive number; it’s over double the national average. Is it just the volatile weather in Alaska and hard living conditions causing disappearances, or is there something more nefarious going on? Get ready to have your world turned upside down by the end of this episode. Join Rob Counts and John Vivanco on Metaphysical for a show that’s out of this world.
Creatures, beings, and people in this episode include: the half-wolf, half-orca “akhlut”; the master of bears, “nanook”; giants; the Tuniit people; the Thule; the Inupasugjuk giants of the north; werewolves, “dogman,” and the adlet; skinwalkers; tuurngait spirits; shadow people; creatures like the qalupalik and tammatuyuq that hunt or feed on children; the psychotic “mahaha” that lives on chaos and tickles victims to death; and more.🛒  Visit the Metaphysical Shop

Thursday Feb 08, 2024

Something lurks beneath the surface of central Alaska. Up on land, reports of heightened electromagnetic activity and odd-acting animals are the norm, but is it because something deeply strange is causing these disturbances?
In this episode, hear discussions on the mystery of the Alaskan Dark Pyramid, nuclear weaponry, an account from a United States Army counterintelligence officer, remote viewing data on what’s happening underground in Alaska, the pyramids of Giza, the strangest Alaskan wildlife behavior you’ve never heard of, and more.
In Fairbanks, Alaska in June of 2015, strange, eel-like, blood-sucking fish called lampreys fell from the sky and littered the city. It’s important to note that they are seldomly caught and rarely even seen. A few months later, thousands of dead seabirds washed up in Whittier, Alaska. Around the same time in Afognak, just above Kodiak Island, about 10 whales washed up dead on the shore. In 2019, 60 seals washed up dead. Bizarrely, some were found to have lost all their hair. What caused it? 35,000 walruses gathered on a beach in western Alaska around the same time. That’s seven times more than had ever been seen in one place before. What brought them to Alaska? Does that mean something is wrong?
Some people think the strange behavior is from strange electromagnetics within the “Alaska Triangle,” and others just don’t know what to think at all! Want to hear investigative researcher Rob Counts’ and remote viewer John Vivanco’s thoughts? Join the Metaphysical podcast for another show that’s out of this world.
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Thursday Feb 01, 2024

What made the mysterious project leader “Axel Rod” suddenly pull a remote viewer out of his session, then take him hiking through the wilderness to an undisclosed location where they had to remain silent? Hear the impossible-sounding details of governmental remote viewing projects in which figures like Ingo Swann and Pat Price were tasked with looking at otherworldly events. Is alien activity the real reason why people go missing in Alaska?
About 20,000 people have disappeared from Alaska since 1970. This is a massive number for such a sparsely populated state; it’s over double the national average. Some might write that off, considering the conditions in Alaska are so cold and treacherous. But considering its size and population, which is only about 733,000 people, the amount of UFO sightings is staggering—with some sources saying there are well over 6500 reported sightings of UFOs.
Compare this number to one of the most populated states in America, Florida, which in 2015 only had about 5,100 UFO sightings. Then, this Alaska number gets even more curious. Hear the story of three teenaged Anchorage girls who saw a “disc-shaped object” above an Air Force base. Learn the story of a former wilderness guide in Ketchikan who saw a “cauldron of molten metal” one day near his house. Join investigative researcher Rob Counts and remote viewer John Vivanco for a metaphysical show that’s out of this world.
In this episode, Rob and John discuss cattle mutilations’ strange characteristics, Native American UFO sightings, and more. Rob and John’s biggest question they attempt to answer in this episode is, “What the heck is going on in Alaska?”
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Friday Jan 26, 2024

After countless shows on ancient civilizations, strange places, creature encounters, remote viewing, and otherworldly phenomena, Rob and John got a lot of fan questions. Now, they bring you another Metaphysical Q&A where they answer your questions directly from comments left on previous episodes. Want to hear what they have to say? Join Metaphysical for a show that’s out of this world.
Rob and John asked each other, "What's the weirdest thing that's come across your desk this week?" and "Is there a consensus throughout the ages for what creates immortality?"Visit the Metaphysical Shop for Merch

Thursday Jan 18, 2024

After countless shows on ancient civilizations, strange places, creature encounters, remote viewing, and otherworldly phenomena, Rob and John got a lot of fan questions. Now, they bring you the first ever Metaphysical Q&A where they answer your questions directly from comments left on previous episodes. Want to hear what they have to say? Join Metaphysical for a show that’s out of this world. Try Rise.TV for 97 Cents!

Thursday Jan 11, 2024

[Part 6] Do dolphins have greater interdimensional knowledge of the universe—and do they want to share it with humanity? Do orcas and cetaceans have a greater level of self awareness and even compassion than we previously knew? Remote viewing data, telepathy research, and sonic experiments turn up surprising results about animal consciousness. Find out where dolphins are really from, why they’re even here, and where the root of dolphin consciousness may start. All of this and more is in this episode with remote viewer John Vivanco and investigative researcher Rob Counts. You’ll find out that dolphins may just be more “out of this world” than this Metaphysical episode.
Was Dr. Paul Spong’s unconventional research into orcas the start of something groundbreaking when it came to conscious and subconscious minds of humans and dolphins? Why was he so shocked that his entire worldview changed overnight? What did John Vivanco’s remote viewing team see about dolphins’ intuition when they looked at them? How is the electromagnetic spectrum integral to understanding more about these cetaceans? Do dolphins actually let themselves get captured, and do they like humans a little too much? Remote viewing data and investigative research combine once again.
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Tuesday Jan 09, 2024

[Part 5] The CIA trained dolphins to be spies in multiple secret projects throughout the 1960s. Were real dolphin encounters the inspiration behind mainstream television shows like Flipper? Between private CIA documents and surfaced evidence of covert missions, there’s a lot to unpack about dolphin consciousness. Hear John Vivanco’s remote viewing data on dolphins’ and whales’ minds, Rob Counts’ investigative research into telepathy and clandestine government research, and more. Tune in for another metaphysical show that’s out of this world.
Also in this episode: Animal behavior just got a whole lot stranger. The Central Intelligence Agency of the United States (a.k.a. the CIA) provided materials for the Dolphin Training Project, Project OXYGAS. What did the chairman of the CIA’s technical requirements board officially approve—in writing—that the agency fund and support? Hear everything Rob and John found in the declassified document that details an unusual request. Why were bottlenose dolphins really trained to complete some covert and very illicit tasks? Is it a coincidence that major and deadly weapons development was underway at the time, or that the United States, Soviet Union, and communist China were in competition? Hear speculation about what the dolphin saboteurs were being trained to do.
Can animals really effectively participate in intelligence collection, and are they the perfect innocent-seeming spies or just wild animals? Which United States military branch appears to still have a dolphin program to this day? When John Vivanco’s remote viewing team looked at dolphins, what startling information did they get back from these beguiling sea animals? Why have some killer whales in modern times started attacking humans’ boats, and why is that so odd? Can a metaphysical discussion on telepathy, Atlanteans’ cultivated superpowers, and government operations get any more interesting than this? Remote viewing data and investigative research combine once again.
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Thursday Jan 04, 2024

Get Rise.TV for 25% off and watch New Episodes a week early![Part 4] Animal behavior just got a whole lot stranger. Pistol shrimp have supersonic weapons hotter than the sun—and they are deadlier than you think. The Greenland shark may be a supernatural cryptid if it can live for hundreds of years: Are there deeper truths beyond the Inuit legends and stories of this slow-moving scavenger? Some creatures, like the wood frog and koi fish, have bizarre ways of surviving impossibly cold conditions. Do immortal jellyfish and fortune telling octopuses tell us more about the nature of life, longevity, and the human body? Strange, mysterious, and telepathic things happen in the ocean and all over the world, that’s for sure. Hear all about them in this Metaphysical episode that’s out of this world.
Also in this episode: Tune in to geek out about sea creatures and more. Where does hibernation end and “coming back from the grave” begin when it comes to freezing temperatures? Frogs as far north as Alaska can give us some fascinating insights. Why is the common goldfish actually an unusual creature that can turn into a magnificent beast? Is the Inuit legend of “Skalugsuak” anything like a version of the “Meg” megalodon shark, and is there any truth behind the stories? Plus, bizarrely, why is urine central to the fearsome shark’s mythology? On the topic of sharks, what are the strangest things that sharks have eaten over the centuries? You’ll laugh at the list. How does transdifferentiation work in immortal jellyfish, and why is it so extremely rare? How do some creatures “live forever”? Why did Paul the Octopus become so famous for his predictive abilities, and what can he tell us about animal consciousness if we look deeper? How does the consciousness of trees play into today’s discussion? Remote viewing data and investigative research combine once again.

Tuesday Jan 02, 2024

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[Part 3] A creature with the body of an otter, the bill and feet of a duck, and the tail of a beaver sounds like a mythical creature or chimera. That’s what people once thought the platypus was, and boy is it a weird one. And it’s not the only animal with weird characteristics. Why are the capuchin monkeys of Costa Rica enthralling scientists with their “bonding” behavior, and why does no one know why they spend hours doing this strange activity each day? Elephants are known to be gentle giants, but what is it about their physiology that makes them more sensitive than possibly any land animal on the earth? Join remote viewer John Vivanco and investigative researcher Rob Counts for a show that’s out of this world.

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