
Join Rob Counts & Remote Viewer John Vivanco on a Journey to the Unknown.

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Thursday Dec 28, 2023

Get Rise.TV for 25% off and watch New Episodes a week early!
[Part 2] Why were government, scientific, and national defense organizations interested in James “McCannibal” McConnell’s work in the ‘50s, ‘60s, and beyond? Bizarre worm experiments prove cells carry memory. Are porcupines secret doctors, and what rare properties do porcupines possess? How about aliens, the Annunaki, and offworld creatures? What do fireflies and aliens have to do with each other, according to John Vivanco’s remote viewing data? Join John and investigative researcher Rob Counts for a metaphysical show that’s out of this world.

Tuesday Dec 26, 2023

Get Rise.TV for 25% off and watch New Episodes a week early!
[Part 1] Remote viewer John Vivanco looked at the praying mantis, and MAN was the data weird. How has martial arts been influenced by the bug? And that’s not the only animal with an interesting and metaphysical consciousness: Crows are unusually smart. What do they remember that you wouldn’t expect them to? The Eurasian wryneck might be a bird, too, but it sure looks and acts like a snake. What does ancient lore say about owls, birds, curses, witchcraft, secret societies, and aliens? Hear investigative research from Rob Counts and John’s RV data on this Metaphysical Podcast that’s out of this world.

Thursday Dec 21, 2023

Get Rise.TV for 25% off and watch New Episodes a week early!Perhaps the most well-recorded cryptid ever is Bigfoot’s cousin, the yeti. So the Metaphysical Podcast had to dive into the history you never knew was real! What are the different classifications of yetis? What did American explorers find when they went looking for it in the ‘50s? Are all the yeti relics that exist today just debunked hoaxes, or is there evidence the yeti left behind? Hear remote viewing data from John Vivanco on the abominable snowman himself that will blow your mind. Hear investigative research from Rob Counts on the history of the yeti. Tune in for a show that’s out of this world.

Tuesday Dec 19, 2023

Get Rise.TV for 25% off and watch New Episodes a week early!One of the most famous ancient relics in the world is the Shroud of Turin, which shows the imprint of Jesus’s face on a burial cloth. Whereas basically every other significant relic is contested or debunked, this one has never been able to REMAIN debunked. That’s because of some amazing science, some corroboration between Jesus’ transformation and things the Buddha said about enlightenment, and amazing historical facts. What happens when a human body undergoes a change like that? Is there evidence still on the Shroud of Turin today? When you hear what John Vivanco’s remote viewing data said about the Shroud of Turin that corroborates even more of this miracle, you’re going to be stunned. Join John and investigative researcher Rob Counts for a show that’s out of this world.

Thursday Dec 14, 2023

Get Rise.TV for 25% off and watch New Episodes a week early!Three children in Fatima, Portugal made a prophecy that Mother Mary would perform miracles on October 13, 1917. Amazingly, thousands of witnesses indeed saw a “miracle of the sun” that day. What did they all see in the sky? Is this proof that miracles can happen? What lesser known visions did the children also have that ultimately uncovered celestial secrets? Was there a secret “third prophecy” that was never heard by the public—and was even covered up? Hear what John Vivanco’s remote viewing team saw about the Miracle of the Sun event that made them weep. Hear Rob Counts’ investigative research that shows how prophecy and history combine. Join the Metaphysical Podcast for a show that’s out of this world.

Tuesday Dec 12, 2023

Get Rise.TV for 25% off and watch New Episodes a week early![Part 2] Historical information shows a deliberate attempt to change the face of Christianity. Could spiritual faith have been hijacked, and even certain dates been changed? How about yule logs, wreaths, Babylonian symbolism, and other ancient symbols being incorporated into Christmas celebrations over time? Hear the shocking battle between Santa Claus (Saint Nicholas), Arius, Emperor Constantine, and Christendom at the Council of Nicaea that may have changed all of history. Discover strange information about Nimrod, Mithraism, and ancient cults. Between John Vivanco’s viewing data about the Council of Nicaea, and Rob Counts’ investigative research into history, this is another Metaphysical show that’s out of this world.

Thursday Dec 07, 2023

Get Rise.TV for 25% off and watch New Episodes a week early![Part 1] Emperor Constantine was said to have had a vision of something in the sky, which convinced him to convert to Christianity. But was this the whole story? After the Battle of the Milvian Bridge between Constantine and Maxentius, the Arch of Constantine was erected to celebrate his victory. Why were pagan scenes depicted in the arch? Were the “old gods’” ways secretly incorporated into Constantine’s rule? The ruling elite at the time were devout followers of the cult of Mithraism, so to whom was Constantine really loyal?When the Metaphysical Podcast started uncovering historical discrepancies, sun worship, Zoroastrianism, and evidence of bull sacrifice, it brought into question the mainstream stories of Constantine. Has the ruler been put on a pedestal and actually become a figure of worship today, adopted from even older objects of devotion? Hear John Vivanco’s remote viewing data and Rob Counts’ investigative research. Join Metaphysical for a show that’s out of this world.

Tuesday Dec 05, 2023

During the Cold War, countries of the world competed to see who could dig the deepest hole. Russia’s Kola Superdeep Borehole may have even picked up the sounds of hell itself. Portals to hell have been discovered all around the world—and capitalized on by occultists. Why were top Nazi officials interested in Houska Castle? Discover stories of local lore, strange history, and more from Rob Counts. Hear remote viewing data from John Vivanco on what really lies beneath the earth, plus a miraculous story of cosmonauts seeing enormous angels out in space. Does being on Earth limit human consciousness, and is there something more out in the cosmos? Join the Metaphysical podcast for a show that’s out of this world.

Thursday Nov 30, 2023

[Part 6] Have you ever heard of the curse of the hypogeum? Malta’s mysterious tunnels hide ancient history, but also extensive sightings of strange beings throughout the ages. Why did National Geographic report in 1940 about the tragedy of the missing school children if it were all a hoax? What did C. Lois Jessop really see in the mid-’30s that lined up with Nat Geo’s account just 5 to 10 years later? Skeletons and scary creature encounters are just the beginning. Join investigative researcher Rob Counts and remote viewer John Vivanco to hear remote viewing data on Lois’ encounter, the missing children’s experience, the creatures, and more. Tune in for a Metaphysical episode that’s out of this world.

Tuesday Nov 28, 2023

[Part 5] Cover-ups. Lies and corruption. Elongated skulls and giants. What really happened in Malta’s Hal Saflieni Hypogeum during ages long past? The head of the Prehistoric Society of Malta, Anton Mifsud, wrote a dossier in 2016 debunking naysayers and exposing lies he implied were deliberately inserted into mainstream archaeology. Hear Rob Counts’ investigative research into the elongated skulled people reported by National Geographic in the 1920s, and the chambers and “bones unfamiliar to our age” reported in 1940. Discover John Vivanco’s remote viewing data on sonic levitation, how the hypogeum’s “Oracle Room” was used, what the tunnels and structures around Ggantija were originally used for, and a “giant” history nobody else seems to be exposing. Join Metaphysical for a show that’s out of this world.

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